This is your invitation to become an active participate in this important cultural work for the betterment of our community (Akron)
Donate to the Legacy Building Project and/or Program/Activity of the Institute
Volunteer on a Task Force
Serve on the Council of Elders
Serve on the Board of Directors
Participate in Training – Age Set
To Receive An Application & Learn More About How You Can Become A Part Of Our Community, CONTACT US
Minimum Criteria for Council of Elder Membership
May we always remember those who have gone before Us;
May we be inspired by their vision and valor;
May their lives continuously remind Us …
That service is more important than success.
That people are more important than possessions.
That principle is more important than power.
May whatever we do be shaped and molded by honesty, competence, and commitment.
May our children and our children’s children carry forth with pride
the nobility of our history and traditions.
To the Creator of all of Us, we dedicate our lives
to make this world better and more beautiful.
Akron Rites of Passage Institute
P.O. Box 22315
Akron, OH 44302
Akron Rites of Passage Institute
The University of Akron
225 S. Main St., Suite 302J
Akron, OH 44325
AROPI Contact: (216) 438-1246
Legacy Building Project Contact: (330) 573-2774